Mineral Wells Fossil Park

2375 Indian Creek Road
Mineral Wells, Texas 76067


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Regular Hours: The park is now open daily, 8 am to dusk. Admission is free.
Mineral Wells Fossil Park provides the fossil enthusiast, paleontologist, and student an excellent opportunity to see and collect well preserved "Pennsylvanian Period" fossils with ease and abundance. These fossils have been dated to be just over 300 million years old. Yes, you read correctly, you may collect and take fossils out of the park - for personal use only. See the park rules for more information.

The park as it exists today is a result of 20 years of erosion of the old City of Mineral Wells landfill's borrow pit, which was closed in the early 1990s. The erosion of the borrow pit has revealed fossils documenting ancient sea species of crinoids (sea lilies), echinoids (urchins), brachiopods, pelecypods (clams and oysters), bryozoans, corals, trilobites (arthropods), plants and even primitive sharks.

In recent years, the borrow pit has become a mecca for the avid fossil hunter, the amateur and professional paleontologist, and various fossil, paleontological, gem and mineral groups and societies in Texas and the surrounding states.

You can click on the map to open Google Maps in a new tab for directions and more.

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Possum Kingdom Lake Weather Forecast


Decreasing Clouds

Hi: 37

Friday Night

Partly Cloudy

Lo: 24


Partly Sunny

Hi: 53

Saturday Night

Partly Cloudy

Lo: 35


Mostly Sunny

Hi: 66

Sunday Night

Mostly Clear

Lo: 41



Hi: 77

Monday Night

Mostly Clear

Lo: 46

Possum Kingdom Lake Water Level (last 30 days)

Water Level on 2/21: 998.74 (-0.26)

Possum Kingdom Lake

Fishing Report from TPWD (Feb. 19)

FAIR. Water stained; 48 degrees; 0.18 feet below pool. Expect the water temperature to drop a couple degrees during this next cold front. Stripers are fair in 20-40 feet of water with live bait, or deadsticking with pink jig heads with fluke tails. If deadsticking, stay still and let the fish come to you. Hold your rod still and set the hook at the slightest hint of a bite. If using live bait, put your baits in the water and just slowly move around until you catch a fish. Once you catch a fish, stay there for a little bit and try to catch a few more. Sandbass are fair. Look for them in 20-40 feet of water with live shad. Some can be caught using small deadstick baits, too. Catfish are still fair to good up the river near Rock Creek Camp. Cut shad is producing good numbers of fish in 2-5 feet of water fished on or near the bottom. Some people like to use cut carp and Buffalo and have good luck with that. It might be worth a try if no other fresh bait is available. Water clarity is steady at 1-8 feet of visibility and slightly stained. Report by TJ Ranft, Ranft Guide Service. Bass slow but will bite when located. Bottom baits such as jigs and bottom bumping crank baits. Bass biting from deep to shallow depths following shad movement. Located in typical winter locations. Report by JK Outdoors Bass Fishing Guide.

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